samedi 27 avril 2013

Calm Summer Night Music

Every single day the weather is becoming warmer ! And I can feel that it is almost summer :D
I'm looking forward  summer holidays so much :) But before I need to pass my bloody final exam x(
haha :)

Btw I'm writing this post to ask you What do you guys listen to during summer nights when you are for example spending a good time with your friends or family in front of a bonfire rosting mashmallow?

I have made a broadcast on a music site called Grooveshark called "summer nights" , where I have put songs I really enjoy listening! Please tell me if you have any suggestions of songs you recommend me to

   Picture Taken on a french Isle called "l'Ile De Ré" in June 2012 best moments with my friends -> we put some candles on the sand and it reminds me of those good moments we were listening to music together  :D